- Distribution: Widely distributed throughout the Pacific
- Host: Mango
- Symptoms: Whitish-gray haze on panicles, fruits, and leaves. Killed flowers turn brown & gray.
- Plant cultivars that are less sensitive to the disease
- Avoid cool, humid locations and areas that receive rain during the flowering season
- Destroy infected fallen foliage and severely infected panicles
- Prune competing vegetation to allow more light and air flow
- Fertilze as required to promote vigorous growth
- Apply fungicide sprays registered for powdery mildew
Source: Mango Powdery Mildew, Scot Nelson, University of Hawai’i Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Cooperative Extension Service Plant Disease PD-46, August 2008.
Mango powdery mildew on panicles and young fruits. Photo courtesy Dr. Scot Nelson, UH CTAHR