Urban Forestry Emergency Operations Planning Guide Available

The new Urban Forestry Emergency Operations Planning Guide for Storm Response (UFEOP Guide) is now available according to Smart Trees Pacific.  For the flyer announcement, click here.  For the cover letter, click here.  To view the actual UFEOP Guide, visit www.smarttreespacific.org and click on Urban Forestry EOP Guide.  The project was funded by a grant from the US Forest Service National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC) and the UF Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region.

Teresa Trueman-Madriaga of Smart Trees Pacific expressed her thanks to AAA’s training list members for their participation in the survey that was the initial stage in developing the UFEOP Guide.  Smart Trees Pacific is now working with a team and developing a proposal for a Storm Best Management Practices for Urban Foresters and Utilities.  As more information on that project becomes available, Teresa will keep AAA informed.